Thursday, 28 November 2013

Selection , quick and merge sorts.

  • Selection Sort
Lets think about selection sort as two lists a sorted one and unsorted one. We will first start by comparing the first two numbers. In each step, find the smallest number in the unsorted part of the list, swap it with the first number in the sorted list until the whole list is sorted (n times). 

  • Quick Sort

Quick sort is a recursive sorting algorithm in which we select an element in the list as a pivot and partition the list into two sublists around it ; one that contains values smaller than the pivot and one with values larger than the pivot. As we go we apply quick sort on our sublists.The performance of this algorithm depends entirely on selecting a good pivot. 

  • Merge Sort
Instead of splitting the list into sublists around a pivot, merge sort splits the list into two halves , most likely equal, and recursively sorts them using merge sort. Finally, they are recombined by repeatedly take the smallest element among the two lists.

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